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I had time to make a square and put a square shape into it to make candlesMy baby who works hard to find the same letter lol Total Platinum is also super awesomeFröbel consists of textbooks and teaching aids optimized for 38 months of development by the nation’s leading infant education experts!The above posting is a review reflecting objective facts and personal thoughts after receiving a product and a prescribed manuscript fee from FrubelAs I was working with my child as a prelude to a total platinum baby book, a parish, and a semi-silver water, an hour passed by! Having fun with the play, neither the child nor I was bored at all, and time passed by so fast. I don’t go to the institute, but I’m so satisfied that I can have a good time with the total platinum at home!You have to find and read the baby’s collection first so that you can focus when you watch it together. In that sense, Pruebel Total Platinum has become a baby’s favorite collection! I bring two or three books every day. Lol. I thought the language stimulation was going to be the best Pruebel Total Platinum, but I’m following it well soon!I thought it would be hard for me to do a dangling parish in the tree, but I was surprised that the word card with the same letter was hung well on the treeI’ve been really thinking about how to start stimulating my language in Hangeul, but I’m relieved thanks to the complete collection of Fröbel Platinum toddlers!So, the new Frubel Total Platinum! I’ll leave a review with my child. The systematic program created by the Frubel Total Platinum Child’s favorite infant collection and infant teaching expert is differentIt’s a book that’s expressed in colorful illustrations about various lines. I learned about various lines by following them with my handsHello, I’m @Yoon. I entered the first collection of my baby’s books. Talking! After the first birthday, I always knocked and brought a talking book, and I made sure to hide. It was a really amazing baby collection!After reading a book with lines, I made a cake with linesI’m going to give my dad a cakeThe concentration of Korean language stimulation was no joke because of play. As expected, my child loves it because it is a textbook for infants and toddlers’ development. It is definitely a child’s preference because it is a textbook tailored to the development department!It was a book that showed that there are various lines around you by following the winding line, drawing the line trapped in the net, and drawing the line of the web. My baby was surprised to see a spider at home yesterday, and he said he was surprised to see the spider in the book’s web yesterday. lolPrebel Total Platinum, an infant collection that develops senses, emotions, language, and cognitive development in a balanced way! I took it out of the bookshelf for my child to take it out often~ After looking at it one by one, they asked me to bring a picture book that I like and read it with themFröbel brings out the best concentrationHe told me that candles are made by connecting a single line. Which candle is the longest? Short? The concept of length was also approached as a fun game!Satisfied with the entire baby’s collection, Fröbel Total Platinum baby collectionMy child is going to enter kindergarten next year, but now I don’t go to an institution and am doing home childcare all the time. When I do home childcare, it is so difficult to prepare picture books or teaching aids suitable for the child’s development. I chose Pruebel Total Platinum to provide full home childcare before entering kindergarten, but I am so satisfied. lolWriting, Photo @Yoon

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